XNote Stopwatch displays a multi-functional digital stopwatch or countdown clock on your desktop.
This advanced digital stopwatch or countdown clock is very useful with its versatile features and flexibility. The useful tool for TV/Video/Animation professionals, sport racers, quizzers and others comprises of features to make it stand as a peer in the crowd. The application serves you with its capable features that comprise: the count-up and count-down modes, alarm with various events, re-sizable digital display with 'always on top' mode and system-wide hotkeys, customizable display of digits size, supports easily configurable hotkeys and 'always on top' mode, can capture snapshots of time, rewind or fast forward time to any point, allows to easily; start, stop, reset the stopwatch/timer and snap the time with a simple on/off switch, photocell and even RFID-tag reader.
XNote Stopwatch also supports multiple stopwatches/timers comprising their own settings.